


Genre: Horror Game

Status: Released!


About The Game

Finding yourself trapped on what was thought to be a routine paranormal investigation – you are tasked with uncovering the mystery and curse of a dreaded haunted house. The ghost of Emily, a Victorian Era teenager, is at war with her wicked Aunt Victoria. Her late Uncle Leo has left a trail of clues and puzzles for you to uncover the secrets that lie hidden in this torturous house of horrors.

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This 3D first person adventure takes you on the ride of your life as you work at a feverish pace to escape this spooky and chilling house and its myriad of mysterious rooms. The storyline is full of curious plot twists, lock downs, engaging and unique puzzles and a collection of intriguing mini-games along the way. Challenging puzzles and well hidden clues, objects and tools provide a great deal of depth to the game and makes this a standout in the genre.

Didn’t feel like reading? That’s fine. We did a video just for you!

For the game’s walkthrough, click HERE!

Check the Facebook page out too! Its probably got some cool things but you better come back. Hahaha.